Hand Puppet, Cutie and Monkey.
Look, I'm a stuffed monkey, okay? My main ability is to be cute and to smile the whole day. In fact that's what i do the whole day. Smiling and being cute. And the girls can't stop touching my stylish plaid tie. My life in freedom began in a club in Munich few years ago, when Adrian freed me from the brutal hands of a drunkard. He then took me nearly (i will never forget, Adrian!) to every place he went. Sometimes, Adrian says it is for my best, i had to spent the flights in the luggage. But it is totally okay to spent few hours in a space without air and in abstinence of air, because he always comes back to me. In my free time i love brewing Kombucha, organizing cult classic movie marathons and meditating on my shelf.
My Skills
Good looking
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