Engineer, technology enthusiast and hobby photographer.

That's me
Born in 1986, I grew up in a time in which many important cultural, historical and also technology events happened: David Hasselhoff sang the DDR into freedom, many iconic members of pop culture (Knight Rider, Star Wars, MacGyver, Back to the future etc.) were produced, but also horrible accidents occurred (Challenger disaster and Chernobyl). Even if I was too small to actually remember and realize the things, I remember lose images and they had an impact on my growing. Probably thanks to the technologic advances, I was always fascinated about technology. I already listened as a baby to the sounds of Pac-Man when my mother played and to the sounds of the modem when my father surfed in the "internet". When I grew up, I always had contact to modern technologies. Therefore, I studied Mechatronics / Precision Engineering in Munich, did my internship at BMW and wrote my bachelor thesis about 433 MHz wireless nets to control devices. After that I continued studying Mechatronics in Spain in form of a Masters and wrote my thesis at SEAT S.A. about high current conductors in the automotive sector. Afterwards I started a PhD at the University of Catalonia in cooperation with SEAT, which I finished in the year 2016 about thermal modeling and simulation of high voltage Li-Ion batteries for electric vehicles. During this time I was the PhD student representant inside SEAT S.A. and represented SEAT on differnent events inside the Volkswagen Group. After that, I chose to leave Barcelona and moved to Graz to work as Developer Engineer at Samsung SDI Battery Systems GmbH. After another year, I moved to Vienna continuing to satisfy my thirst for knowledge and started to work as a Hardware Developer for 48V automotive products at MELECS EWS GmbH. At the moment I'm trying to build up a freelancer business as a photographer and engineering consultant to have more variety and to be able to follow my interests in a professional manner.
While I worked and still like a lot MATLAB during my PhD, I ditched it during my professional career and replaced it with Python. Sadly during my career I’m not programming not so much, but still like to do it in my free time for my private projects. A part from doing some private “engineering” projects and following recent research, I like to do photography, bicycling, swimming, playing videogames and going to the cinema.
My professional skills
COMSOL Multiphysics
Altium Designer
participated Projects
Years expierience
Science and technology
Movies, theatres and concterts
Videogames and -culture